вторник, 24 февраля 2009 г.


 In the various spheres of human activity under verification can be a bit mean different things. For example: 

Verification (from Lat. Verus - true, facere - to do) - it is confirmation of conformity of the finished product a predetermined requirements. 


Verification (from Lat. Verus - true, facere - to do) - check, verifiability, the method of justification (evidence) of any theoretical propositions by comparing them with experienced (empirical) data. 

The value of demonstrable, verifiable explanations (models) of objects / phenomena, depending on the degree of reality podtverzhdaemosti (empirically, the facts), the notion of forms: 
Hypothesis - unproven allegation plausible based on the number of confirming observations or opinions, concepts, postulates (in science). Based on the false judgments misunderstood postulates constitute pseudoscience. 
The concept - a model with supporting evidence of its truthfulness and / or without them (see Philosophy) 
Theory - an explanation to the provision of evidence of the maximum extent (see Science) 

The root of understanding the different concepts of verification lies in the range of opportunities for comparisons of conformity to a predetermined end product. Verify compliance with the final product a predetermined requirements may, depending on the situation, the direct and indirect features of the final product. And there is also a process approach, which monitors the promotion of the product to the predetermined requirements.
 Verification of the quality system 

In the Russian State Standard GOST R ISO 9000-2001 (which is an authentic translation of the international standard ISO 9000:2000) "verification" is defined as follows: 

3.8.4 Verification (en verification; fr verification): Confirmation through the provision of objective evidence (3.8.1) that the requirements (3.1.2) have been fulfilled. 


1 The term "verified" is used to denote status. 

2 Activities of the confirmation may include: 

- The implementation of alternative payment 

- A comparison of scientific and technical documentation (3.7.3) on a new project with the same documentation on proven project 

- Testing (3.8.3) and demonstrations 

- Analysis of documents prior to their release.


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