вторник, 24 февраля 2009 г.


removed 1> relegated deleted _Ex: an era a hundred years removed epoch, separated from us for a hundred years _Ex: he is only one step removed from a swindler, he is not much different (far left) from the fraudster _Ex: far removed from faraway from _Ex: his feelings are not far removed from love, he is almost in love 2> distant, unrelated _Ex: a tongue equally removed from French and English language, so unlike the French, it is in English 3> refers to the degree of relationship, through the generation of _Ex: first cousin once removed cousin once removed, once removed niece, once removed's uncle, aunt once removed _Ex: first-cousin twice removed or a grandson or granddaughter cousin cousin 4> _teh. removed, dismantled 
See also other dictionaries: 
be removed - to be removed ... (Great Anglo-Russian and Russian-English dictionary) 
Twice Removed - Ifobox Album Name Twice Removed Type Album Artist Sloa Released August 30, 1994 Recorded 1994 Gere Idie rock Legth 44:48 Label Geffe Records Producer Jim Rodielli, Sloa Reviews Allmusic Ratig 4.5 5 ... (Wikipedia) 
removed - adjective Date: circa 1548 1. a. distant in degree of relationship b. of a younger or older generation ... (New Collegiate Dictionary) 
Removed - Re moved "(r?-M?? Vd"), a. 1. Chaged i place. [1913 Webster] 2. Dismissed from office. [1913 Webster] 3. Distat i locatio; remote. `` Somethig fier tha you could purchase i so removed a dwellig. "- Shak. [1913 Webster] 4. ... (The Collaborative International Dictionary of

Removed - Remove Re move "(r?-M?? V"), v. t. [imp. & P. p. (Removed) (-m?? Vd "); p. pr. & Vb.. (Removig).] [OF. Removoir, remouvoir, L. removere, remotum; pref. Re-re-+ movere to move. See (Move).] 1. To move away from the positio occupied; to cause ... 
twice removed - twice removed ... (English-Russian dictionary Muller) 
removed - adj. 1) remote, distant, unrelated; far removed from - yes, leky 2) - once removed - twice removed ... 
once removed - once removed ... 
twice removed - twice removed a first cousin twice removed grandson (granddaughter), once removed (s) brother (sister) ... (Great Anglo-Russian and Russian-English Dictionary) 
removed - rɪmu: vd text. 1) remote, distant, far, far, far removed from unrelated distant from Sy: remote, distat 2) indicates the degree oce removed twice removedotodvinuty, Dial - a era a hudred years period, separated from ...


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