Dendy or Dandy - game console, non-hardware clone (Eng) Third-generation console Famicom (in USA known as the NES) Japanese company «Nintendo». Dendy was based on the Japanese hardware and constructive cartridge format, is somewhat different from American. Dendy was produced in the early 1990's the company «Steepler», collected in Taiwan from Chinese parts to order «Steepler» and was distributed in the republics of the former USSR, especially Russia and Ukraine. As in the former Soviet Union NES never officially released, Dendy, which was widely distributed and available at a price at that time has earned great popularity - roughly the same, which was the original Famicom / NES in Japan and the USA. Prefix has its own spot on Russian television with the words «Dandy, Dandy, Dandy, we all love! Dandy - play all! »In the territory of Russia since 1993, the magazine« Video Ass Dendy »(later« Great Drakon »), which is to appear in the Russian market Console Sega Mega Drive concentrated almost exclusively on the description of games for Dendy, as alternatives to virtually non-existent. Modern games Dendy, which can be found at many markets on the shelves with Chinese products, do not relate to the company «Steepler», clotted its activities in 1996, and manufactured in China.

Dendy was produced in three configurations: Dendy Classic, Dendy Junior and Dendy Junior II. Dendy Classic, according to advertising booklets of the manufacturer, has two video output, compatible with standard television PAL and SECAM [source?], And only one gamepad (the second sold separately). Dendy Junior was the only PAL-video output, but sold directly from neotsoedinyaemymi two from the body gamepad. A Dendy Junior II design and reminiscent of the shell and gamepad gamepad Sega Mega Drive [source?], And the only major difference from its Dendy Junior were Detachable gamepad. In addition, there was the option prefixes Dendy Junior IIP, sold with a light gun.
Cartridges with games for the Dandy.
Prefix has been able to comply with the licensing of game cartridges Famicom, but as «Nintendo» prefix itself is not produced in CIS countries, licensed games on the market for it existed. Except for a few of their own development of Russian or Chinese, the majority of games for Dendy was copied by pirates from the original, and not only games, licensed for the Famicom / NES, and playing with other prefixes, which Famicom never came out. In addition to these, there were cartridges «100 in 1» or even «1 in 9999», in which several games repeated many times with variations of maps, or coloring the characters or the possibility of starting with the various levels. Pirate cartridges for the Famicom, and suitable for its clones (which is the Dendy), produced and are on sale until now.
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