четверг, 26 февраля 2009 г.


 The dance - a type of art, where artistic images are created of plastic movements and rhythmically precise and continuous change of expression of the human body. Dance is inextricably linked with music, emotion-shape the content of which is reflected in his choreographed songs, movements, figures. 

Dance existed and exists in the cultural traditions of all human societies. Over the long history of mankind, he changed, reflecting the cultural development. There are a myriad of types, styles and forms of dance. 

Dance is used as a means of self-expression, social communication, for religious purposes, as a competitive sport, as an exemplary art.

The origin and history of dance 

The dance came from a variety of movements and gestures, related to labor processes and emotional experiences of people of the world. Almost all the important events in the life of primitive man were dancing: birth, death, war, the election of a new leader, healing the sick. Dance expressed prayers for rain, the sun, on fertility, protection, and forgiveness. Movement gradually subjected artistic synthesis, resulting in a developed art of dance, one of the oldest forms of folk art. Each nation has its dance tradition. Based on the folk dance began to create a dance stage. As a professional theater arts dance reached a high development, and has been scientifically systematized. Formed various dance system: the European classical dance - the basic system of modern ballet, dance of Asian countries (such as Indian Kathak, kathakali, Manipuri, Tamasha, etc.) and Africa. 

A great influence on the development of the European dance culture had orchestics the Ancient East and Antiquity: religious festivals in Assyria and Egypt, the dance in honor of Apollo, Bacchus and other gods, "pirricheskie" - military, athletic were a mandatory part of representations of the ancient Greek theater. In the Hellenistic era (4-2 centuries. BC. E.) Dancers appeared, pantomimisty. In ancient Rome (2-1 cc. BC. E.) Place the development of Hellenistic dance, which later in the 2-5 cc. Mr. e., has been developed in the pantomime. During the Middle Ages T. subjected to persecution by the clergy. Later there was a gradual teatralizatsiya dance (jugglers, shpilmany, Skomorokhov). In the 15-16 centuries. performed storylines dance scene - moreski, established treatises and textbooks T. In the early 17 century. with the advent of the art of dance ballets enriched the new technology. The French Royal Academy of Dance (founded 1661) has developed a system of dance, which was subsequently called classical dance. As a result, the reform of musical theater (opera reform K. Gluck), a new structural form of a ballet performance, which helped the ballet as a separate kind of art. In the Enlightenment deepens the emotional content of dance-drama arises form effective dance - PA d'akson was launched in the romantic ballet. During the 2 nd half of 19 century. A new, virtuosic style of dance, this has contributed to the emergence of special shoes (pointe), enable the performer to stand, move and rotate rapidly on the fingers. In the late 19 century. Floor dance composers-enriched simfonisty P. Tchaikovsky, AK Glazunov and choreographer M. Petipa and L. Ivanov (having dance theme, the consistency of the soloists and corps de ballet dances, etc.).


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