пятница, 27 февраля 2009 г.


Download Master - Free download manager with open source code that runs under Windows. Created by WestByte specifically for Russian-speaking users. For the remaining users are issued under the name of Internet Download Accelerator (IDA) and the license shareware.

Integration with web browsers Internet Explorer, Opera, Netscape Navigator, Mozilla, SeaMonkey, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Apple Safari. 
Multi-injection, can significantly increase the speed of downloading files. 
Built in FTP client. 
Support plugins.
Managed mode for dynamic management of speed, ability to set priorities for uploads. 
Interception of references from the clipboard. 
Built in search of files, programs, games and music. 
Interface languages: Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, translit. 
Rating uploaded file.
The possibility of checking the MD5-sum of uploaded files; 
Ability to upload videos Video with YouTube, Google Video, Metacafe, Break.com, RuTube, Video@mail.ru, Rambler Vision, Corbina.TV, Video bigmir) net, Video PLAY.ukr.net. 
Support for file descriptions DESCRIPT.ION.



Yellow dog Updater, Modified (YUM) - a console manager RPM-packages, open source. Facilitates the cascading update on Linux systems to monitor interactions RPM-packages.



 «Tron» - the movie. Children are encouraged to view, together with their parents.


Kevin Flynn (Bridges) - a young and gifted programmer, working on mega-corporation ENCOM. The guy creates innovative games, but its Chief Ed Dillindzher brazen assigns authorship and receives royalties owed to Kevin. 

One day Dillindzher denies all programmers with the seventh level of authentication (including Kevin) access to the MCP (Master Control Program) - artificial intelligence, computer network administrator to the corporation. Two staff members decide to help our hero to crack the system ... and here comes the unthinkable: Flynn is «digital» and gets inside your computer. There he waits for an entirely different world. It turns out that computer programs living in a totalitarian society, and MCP - very cruel ruler. Conventional programs are contained in the original «concentration» and periodically engaged in violent gladiatorial battles. In this world of their own religion - the program to believe that they have higher substance-patrons, some «Community». As Flynn enters the virtual world, accidents programs take him for his Savior. The hero must undergo a series of gladiatorial battles and find superprogrammu Tron, which can defeat the evil dictator. 

Special Effects 

«Tron» - the first in the history of cinema film, the main characters have been completely (or rather, almost exclusively) drawn on the computer. The film contains about 30 minutes of pure graphics, where the living heroes combined with the picture. However, some special effects still created the old-fashioned - by rotoskopirovaniya and hand paint each frame (to the «inside the computer» shot in black and white film).



 «Molot» - the Russian socio-political and labor newspaper. Published in 17 (30) April 1917 ( "Our banner of") in Rostov-on-Don, Russia and distributed throughout the Rostov region. 

So 2 times a week, Tuesday - 8, Friday - 16 pages.
Background papers 

From 1917 to April 1918 the newspaper was called «Our Znamya». From 1918 to 1921 known as the «Working truth». From 1921 to 1924 called «The Labor Don». Before the dissolution of the CPSU newspaper "Hammer" was the publication organ of Rostov regional committee of the party. "Hammer" - the only newspaper to the editor which includes sobkory across the Rostov region. 90% of the circulation of "Hammer" is distributed by subscription. Founders: The Administration of Rostov region, staff of the newspaper «Molot» (SUE RO «Revision newspapers« Molot », Reg. № P 1118).



Svetlana - the female name of Slavic origin. It was coined and first used in the AH Vostokov romances «Svetlana and Mstislav» (1802). [1] has received wide popularity after the publication of the poet Vasily Zhukovsky A. [2] his ballad «Svetlana». The name "Svetlana" is quite unique in foreign languages, in all cases they are set to "bright, shining, clear", such as the Italian "Chiara" (Chiara), German and French Clara (Klara) and Claire (Claire), Italian Lucia (Lucia), Celtic "Fiona" (Fiona). Umenishitelno-pet form: Light, Svetlanushka, Svetik, Svetochka, Svetulya, light, etc. 

Usually reduced to «Light» in Russia. In Western Europe and English-speaking countries is reduced to «Lana», the same observed and in some communities tineydzherskih Russia (cf. the reduction of «Alex» and «Al»).



















четверг, 26 февраля 2009 г.




 Pirate Station - the biggest drum and bass-festival gathering the best drum and bass-DJ in the world within a rave. The event is held annually in St. Petersburg.


Originally known as "pirate station" was broadcast on Radio Record, which has been a leading DJ Gvozd. In this form it exists today. But with the advent of the new millennium, when the styles of jungle and drum and bass were approved at the Russian club scene and a team of DJs and producers on the idea all the same DJ Gvozd decides to organize a festival which would be an expression of a new style of music, while its advertising. At the root of the creation of pirate stations were the first dance radio station Radio Russia Record Company and Record Media. 

The first "Pirate Station" was held in St. Petersburg 11 January 2003. That dance floor was visited by more than 8 thousand people. 

Pirate Station Today the brand is highly regarded throughout the world. In Britain, the home of drum'n'bass-music d'n'b-leading DJs and producers feel honorable to speak at the "pirate station", a famous British radio station BBC Radio 1 makes reporting directly c танцпола. The participants of pirate stations in the same time becoming the star of such magnitude as Goldie, Fabio, LTJ Bukem and MC Conrad, Roni Size, Hype, Pendulum, Adam F, Technical Itch, Aphrodite, Bad Company, London Electricity, TC, Panacea, Dylan, John B , Spor, Noisia, Kosheen, Sub Focus, and others.

Core and became the traditional symbol of pirate stations - a modified skull, which each year make a different kind. Also, as a character uses the phrase Parcete Conscientiam, the meaning is not clear that even old fans of pirate Ctantsii. 

The phrase is translated as "Take care of Consciousness" in Latin.



 The dance - a type of art, where artistic images are created of plastic movements and rhythmically precise and continuous change of expression of the human body. Dance is inextricably linked with music, emotion-shape the content of which is reflected in his choreographed songs, movements, figures. 

Dance existed and exists in the cultural traditions of all human societies. Over the long history of mankind, he changed, reflecting the cultural development. There are a myriad of types, styles and forms of dance. 

Dance is used as a means of self-expression, social communication, for religious purposes, as a competitive sport, as an exemplary art.

The origin and history of dance 

The dance came from a variety of movements and gestures, related to labor processes and emotional experiences of people of the world. Almost all the important events in the life of primitive man were dancing: birth, death, war, the election of a new leader, healing the sick. Dance expressed prayers for rain, the sun, on fertility, protection, and forgiveness. Movement gradually subjected artistic synthesis, resulting in a developed art of dance, one of the oldest forms of folk art. Each nation has its dance tradition. Based on the folk dance began to create a dance stage. As a professional theater arts dance reached a high development, and has been scientifically systematized. Formed various dance system: the European classical dance - the basic system of modern ballet, dance of Asian countries (such as Indian Kathak, kathakali, Manipuri, Tamasha, etc.) and Africa. 

A great influence on the development of the European dance culture had orchestics the Ancient East and Antiquity: religious festivals in Assyria and Egypt, the dance in honor of Apollo, Bacchus and other gods, "pirricheskie" - military, athletic were a mandatory part of representations of the ancient Greek theater. In the Hellenistic era (4-2 centuries. BC. E.) Dancers appeared, pantomimisty. In ancient Rome (2-1 cc. BC. E.) Place the development of Hellenistic dance, which later in the 2-5 cc. Mr. e., has been developed in the pantomime. During the Middle Ages T. subjected to persecution by the clergy. Later there was a gradual teatralizatsiya dance (jugglers, shpilmany, Skomorokhov). In the 15-16 centuries. performed storylines dance scene - moreski, established treatises and textbooks T. In the early 17 century. with the advent of the art of dance ballets enriched the new technology. The French Royal Academy of Dance (founded 1661) has developed a system of dance, which was subsequently called classical dance. As a result, the reform of musical theater (opera reform K. Gluck), a new structural form of a ballet performance, which helped the ballet as a separate kind of art. In the Enlightenment deepens the emotional content of dance-drama arises form effective dance - PA d'akson was launched in the romantic ballet. During the 2 nd half of 19 century. A new, virtuosic style of dance, this has contributed to the emergence of special shoes (pointe), enable the performer to stand, move and rotate rapidly on the fingers. In the late 19 century. Floor dance composers-enriched simfonisty P. Tchaikovsky, AK Glazunov and choreographer M. Petipa and L. Ivanov (having dance theme, the consistency of the soloists and corps de ballet dances, etc.).



setting noun 1) environment, the environment 2) the sets and costumes; design (performance) 3) mount (stone) 4) music to the words (poem) 5) writing the music to the words (poem) 6) run (Sun) 7) masonry (stone) 8) thickening, hardening, freezing, setting (ce-ment), 9) management, installation, commissioning in progress 10) constr. draft, osedaniefundamenta Syn: see site 
See also other dictionaries: 
setting day - сущ. date of payment (the fourth day of the liquidation period) ... (Great Anglo-Russian and Russian-English dictionary) 
setting-up - (adj.) Done early in the morning to make you fresh and feel strong for the day. / Tom jumped out of bed and did his setting-up exercises. / Compare: DAILY DOZEN. ... (The dictionary of American idioms) 
setting - setɪŋ сущ. 1) environment, an environment Sy: site 2) scenery and costumes; design (performance) 3) mount (stone) 4) music to the words (poem) 5) writing the music to the words (poem) 6) run (Sun) 7 ) ... (Great Anglo-Russian and Russian-English dictionary) 
Setting - Settig may refer to: A place where somethig is set Set costructio i theatrical sceery Settig (fictio) i literature I jewelry, whe a diamod or gem is set ito a frame or bed, see also stoesettig Campaig settig i role playig ... ( Wikipedia) 
setting day - the day of payment (the fourth day of the liquidation period) ... (English-Russian dictionary of economic terms) 
setting - setɪŋoprava, environment ... 
setting - 1) the installation, setup 2) setting 3) status, position 4) markup 5) nakryvka (upper-layer sandwich of plaster) - setting in motion - setting out - setting up - setting of outriggers ... (English-Russian dictionary of construction terms) 
setting out - a breakdown of the location of facilities on the ground ... 
Setting - Settig Set "tig,. 1. The act of oe who, or that which, sets; as, the settig of type, or of gems; the settig of the su; the settig (hardeig) of moist plaster of Paris; the settig (set) of a curret. [1913 Webster] 2. The act of ... (The Collaborative International Dictionary of English) 
setting nut - adjusting nut ... (English-Russian dictionary of construction terms)


вторник, 24 февраля 2009 г.



Igor Tour ... 
May 31, 1981 
Basic Style: Breaks 
Favorite Styles: Booty breaks 
DJ, musician and promoter since 2000 
Seth: from 200 € / 120 minutes 
Location: Ukraine, Ivano-Frankivsk 
Guest: Lemon Club (Ivano-Frankivsk)



Jelena Tomasz - Kosova



Jasmine (real name - Sarah L. Semendueva; p. 12 Oct, 1977) - Russian pop singer. 

Born in Derbent, Dagestan, in the family of the honored worker of Lev Yakovlevich Manahimova (born 1950), by nationality - Gorskaya Jew. She worked in the model business, and later served on the Russian stage. Has a brother, Anatoly. 

Because of the unusual eastern appearance, it is often called the perfect Jasmine.
 Childhood and adolescence 

Jasmine was born on October 12, 1977 in Derbent. Her mother was a conductor, and his father worked as choreographer. In childhood, young Jasmine is not very fond music. Her main dream was to address the study of English language and therefore it is intended to reach the Institute of Foreign Languages. But the parents insisted that Jasmine has completed a medical college. In mid-1995, Jasmine's mother fell ill with cancer of brain. After her death in February 1996, Jasmine was a very difficult and lonely. At the same time it introduced to the businessman Vyacheslav Semenduevym. 28 November 1996 Jasmin at the insistence of his father and relatives married a 36-year-old owner of a network of restaurants «Eldarado». 26 August 1997, the couple have a son born Misha. In October 2006, Jasmine officially sold out with her husband because of the «contradictory relations». After divorce, a popular singer, along with her son for everything.


With financial support from her husband Yasmine began her career with the song «So it is», and the same clip on it in early 2000. Jasmine has recorded 6 solo albums and 3 times acted GTSKZ «Russia» solo concerts ( «Probably Love», March 2002; «100% of love», October 2003; «Yes!», March 2005). Recital «100% of Love» was organized by Alla Pugacheva. 

Jasmine is also known for its colorful clips and permanent tour. The young singer has already on several occasions gave solo performances in the Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Germany, Israel, USA and in many other countries. In January-February 2005, Jasmine gave a series of concerts in cities of Russia with «Yes!». 

Awards: Award «Ovation», Song of the Year 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2007, MTV «The Best Singer of the Year», 2005, and many others. 

Since the end of 2007 involved in the project "Two stars" on the First Channel. In a couple of Yuri Galtsevym reached the finals.

2000, «Long day» 
2001, «Probably Love» 
2002, «Puzzle» 
2003, «100% of Love» 
2004, «Yes!» 
2005, «Do you like it» 

The best selling licensing discs are Jasmine «Probably Love» (270.000 copies), «Puzzle» (310.000) and «Yes!» (650.000 copies). The most nizkoprodavaemym disc is the album «100% of love» (about 80,000 copies). «Long Days» sold 100,000 copies in circulation, and «Do you like» in 150.000 copies. Along with sales in Russia, CIS and Europe, the Jasmine has sold nearly 1 million discs. 

Follow the seventh studio album, the singer is expected in 2009. Management of the singer said that she writes the disc at a studio in Moscow.



 In the various spheres of human activity under verification can be a bit mean different things. For example: 

Verification (from Lat. Verus - true, facere - to do) - it is confirmation of conformity of the finished product a predetermined requirements. 


Verification (from Lat. Verus - true, facere - to do) - check, verifiability, the method of justification (evidence) of any theoretical propositions by comparing them with experienced (empirical) data. 

The value of demonstrable, verifiable explanations (models) of objects / phenomena, depending on the degree of reality podtverzhdaemosti (empirically, the facts), the notion of forms: 
Hypothesis - unproven allegation plausible based on the number of confirming observations or opinions, concepts, postulates (in science). Based on the false judgments misunderstood postulates constitute pseudoscience. 
The concept - a model with supporting evidence of its truthfulness and / or without them (see Philosophy) 
Theory - an explanation to the provision of evidence of the maximum extent (see Science) 

The root of understanding the different concepts of verification lies in the range of opportunities for comparisons of conformity to a predetermined end product. Verify compliance with the final product a predetermined requirements may, depending on the situation, the direct and indirect features of the final product. And there is also a process approach, which monitors the promotion of the product to the predetermined requirements.
 Verification of the quality system 

In the Russian State Standard GOST R ISO 9000-2001 (which is an authentic translation of the international standard ISO 9000:2000) "verification" is defined as follows: 

3.8.4 Verification (en verification; fr verification): Confirmation through the provision of objective evidence (3.8.1) that the requirements (3.1.2) have been fulfilled. 


1 The term "verified" is used to denote status. 

2 Activities of the confirmation may include: 

- The implementation of alternative payment 

- A comparison of scientific and technical documentation (3.7.3) on a new project with the same documentation on proven project 

- Testing (3.8.3) and demonstrations 

- Analysis of documents prior to their release.



The Political Machine 2008

Game description 

Sequel to the well-known turn-based strategy on the election of an American president. We need to choose one of the candidates or to create finished his headquarters to lead by the hand and literally lead the applicant to the top ranking and Oval Office.

There are real historical figures, both from present and past of the United States: for example, Abraham Lincoln. In addition, the improved system of statistics, there are three-dimensional animated model of the candidates. Finally improved artificial intelligence.



 Kate (Catherine) Bush (Catherine Bush) (born July 30, 1958 in Bekslihit, UK) - English performer, working at the intersection of pop music and progressive rock.

Childhood and adolescence 

Kathy Bush is beginning an interest in music at a very early age and wrote her first song at eleven years old. According to memories of his elder brother, learned to play the piano, she held him for 5-7 hours a day. For fourteen years of composition and performing skills of Cathy reached a level that allows to think about a serious musical career. In the 1972-73 year, she recorded at home a few demo tapes and tried through a friend of the family to offer their record companies. However, all these records differed very low quality (later remembered as a performer herself, «they just had heard that a girl that is singing, accompanying himself on piano, but could not parse any words or melodies») , and at first they drew no attention. 

In 1973, one of those tapes fell into the hands of David Gilmore of Pink Floyd, who found creative young performer is an interesting and offered her assistance in the production of better quality recording. First, he provided the semi Kathy recorder and microphone, through which she re-recorded some of their songs, then invited her to his home studio where they recorded for the day about a dozen songs (Gilmore accompanied himself on guitar, and invited the two musicians from the group Unicorn parties for the performance of the bass and drums). Some of these recordings in 1986, scheduled for release on disk Kate Bush - The Early Years, but the entire trial edition was destroyed at the insistence of Kate Bush, which found that the material did not warrant publication.
The beginning of professional music career (1975-1979) 

Finally, in 1975, the same David Gilmore Katie organized in a professional recording studio to pay for musicians, arranger and sound technician. Total recorded three songs: The Man With The Child In His Eyes, The Saxophone Song and Maybe (the first two then entered the album The Kick Inside). This demo recording liked the company EMI and Katie offered a contract that was signed in 1976. Apparently, in the EMI at the time believed that Bush was too early to start a professional music career, but suggested that it is advantageous conditions for long-term performer is not intercepted competitors. 

Received in advance has allowed Cathy to buy a used amplifier, and pay for training at the famous school jazz dance choreographer Lindsay Kempa. Before graduating from high school Kate (as it began to be called by then), Bush has done in the home a few tens of demo recordings, some of which later went on various bootleg (these records are known collectively under the name of The Cathy Demos). In 1977 she also began to make their own group KT Bush Band. Speeches were held mainly in London pubs, and in addition to the repertoire of the group included many songs by Kate strangers things. 

In 1978 he finally saw the light of the first album by Kate Bush The Kick Inside. Included in its composition Wuthering Heights became an international hit, won first place in the charts of Great Britain, Australia and other countries. The album itself reached the third place in the British hit parade. In the wake of the success of the first album was quickly recorded and released the second called Lionheart, quality performer who is still very unhappy. For release of this album was followed by a European concert tour Tour Of Life - the first and last in the career of Kate Bush, who considers that grueling concert performances do not leave her time and energy for the main thing - music.

Classical period (1980-1993) 

Immediately after the end of the tour by Kate Bush is locked in the studio and began work on the next album, which acted not only as an author and performer of songs, but also as one of the producers. Released in 1980 album Never for Ever was one of the most successful in the career of the singer and took first place in the British hit parade. The most successful single from that album was the song Babooshka, reaching fifth place in the UK and the second in Australia. 

In 1982, saw the light of The Dreaming, which many critics still consider the best album of Kate Bush. However, from a commercial point of view, this album was not too successful: although he reached the third place in the landscape the UK hit parade, but did not bring any major hits, and the cost of its entry were too high. 

The financial problems associated with the release of The Dreaming, Kate Bush, brought the idea of creating his own studio in which it could work, without thinking about the cost of studio time. This idea was implemented, and following the album Hounds of Love Kate Bush recorded in a studio. Unlike the previous album, a concept completely, Hounds of Love successfully combined commercial and conceptual elements. The first side plate consisted of songs that focused on success in the charts, while the second includes several songs associated common theme - dealing with women who found death on the high seas. However, the idea of such a structure of the album is not quite able to realize, as a company EMI just released it on CD-ROM, rather than a vinyl disc, as all their previous releases. Song from the album Running Up That Hill (Bush originally wanted to call it A Deal With God - «The deal with God» - but the recording company is opposed to this, finding a name too epatazhnym) reached the third line in the British hit parade and became the most successful single, Kate Bush, the U.S., where it reached the thirtieth place in the hit parade magazine Billboard. Sam also won album of the thirtieth place in the U.S. and first place in the UK. 

Following the Hounds of Love was released hits compilation The Whole Story (1986), also reached the first place in British hit parade, and in 1989 released the album The Sensual World, which, despite the lack of big hits, nearly repeated the success of the previous license album ( second place in the British hit parade, forty-third and «Gold» status in the U.S.). 

In 1993, Kate Bush has released his next album The Red Shoes. The material was recorded for him for a concert performance, so music and arrangements on this album are no different sophistication inherent in the previous works of the performer. During the work on the album in his personal life by Kate Bush, a number of changes and sad events, including the loss of the mother and separation from a different person, which is also reflected in her songs, which has never dim. The album turned out quite successful commercially, and no one could suppose that after his release followed by a period of silence, prolonged for a long twelve years.

 Period zatvornichestva and return to music 

After the release of The Red Shoes Kate Bush has long departed from the musical activities. The first time the press is actively circulated rumors that she is about to return with new works, but by the end of the 90's she even completely disappear from view the press and fans. In 1998, she bore a son, Albert (omnipresent British press was able to learn about it only two years later), and completely dedicated herself to the family. It explains itself Kate Bush, her otshelnichestvo was an attempt to provide your child a normal childhood, is not overshadowed by the excessive emphasis on the part of innocent people, the inevitable for children of all celebrities. 

In 2001, Kate Bush was awarded Best Classic Songwriter, established magazine Q. In early 2002, it was the first time in more than a decade, made on stage, singing song Comfortably Numb at a concert of his old friend David Gilmore, where she was invited as a special guest. In the same year, Bush was awarded the British Academy of Composers for his outstanding contribution to British music. 

The eighth studio album by Kate Bush, Aerial was released on 7 November 2005. In his writing took part Procol Harum founder Gary Brooker, and gained over years of silence the material enough for two fully CD-ROM. The new album was generally well received by both critics and turned out quite successful in commercial terms (in the UK, he received a «Platinum» status after just three weeks after the commencement of sales), although neither the singer nor the record companies hardly had his promotion (release of the album was preceded by only the single King of the Mountain, to get to fourth place in the British hit parade).



Welcome to the projects of wooden houses. Wood - a unique natural material, eco-friendly product - a building material, and many qualities that distinguish it from synthetic materials. Noted several benefits of the houses made of wood: high strength, elasticity, low density, and hence the low weight, low thermal conductivity, resistance to chemically aggressive environments, natural decorative, easy handling and installation. The ability to leave the inner surface of the walls without any additional decoration (for example, planed timber, Round profile logs) - in any case it is possible to confine painting lacquer and buffing. Moreover, in modern conditions, where preference is given to the construction of renewable and recycled materials, home of the timber (of logs) to best meet this requirement. We offer you a finished house designs of the beam, as well as the design of wooden cottages on the job. 

The list below presents designs of detached houses which meet your query. 
For planning, the availability of three-dimensional models and data on the materials used - click on the code or an image you liked the project at home. 
At any time you can return to this page by clicking on the link "Search" located on the ID project in the navigation bar.



Dendy or Dandy - game console, non-hardware clone (Eng) Third-generation console Famicom (in USA known as the NES) Japanese company «Nintendo». Dendy was based on the Japanese hardware and constructive cartridge format, is somewhat different from American. Dendy was produced in the early 1990's the company «Steepler», collected in Taiwan from Chinese parts to order «Steepler» and was distributed in the republics of the former USSR, especially Russia and Ukraine. As in the former Soviet Union NES never officially released, Dendy, which was widely distributed and available at a price at that time has earned great popularity - roughly the same, which was the original Famicom / NES in Japan and the USA. Prefix has its own spot on Russian television with the words «Dandy, Dandy, Dandy, we all love! Dandy - play all! »In the territory of Russia since 1993, the magazine« Video Ass Dendy »(later« Great Drakon »), which is to appear in the Russian market Console Sega Mega Drive concentrated almost exclusively on the description of games for Dendy, as alternatives to virtually non-existent. Modern games Dendy, which can be found at many markets on the shelves with Chinese products, do not relate to the company «Steepler», clotted its activities in 1996, and manufactured in China.


Dendy was produced in three configurations: Dendy Classic, Dendy Junior and Dendy Junior II. Dendy Classic, according to advertising booklets of the manufacturer, has two video output, compatible with standard television PAL and SECAM [source?], And only one gamepad (the second sold separately). Dendy Junior was the only PAL-video output, but sold directly from neotsoedinyaemymi two from the body gamepad. A Dendy Junior II design and reminiscent of the shell and gamepad gamepad Sega Mega Drive [source?], And the only major difference from its Dendy Junior were Detachable gamepad. In addition, there was the option prefixes Dendy Junior IIP, sold with a light gun.

Cartridges with games for the Dandy. 

Prefix has been able to comply with the licensing of game cartridges Famicom, but as «Nintendo» prefix itself is not produced in CIS countries, licensed games on the market for it existed. Except for a few of their own development of Russian or Chinese, the majority of games for Dendy was copied by pirates from the original, and not only games, licensed for the Famicom / NES, and playing with other prefixes, which Famicom never came out. In addition to these, there were cartridges «100 in 1» or even «1 in 9999», in which several games repeated many times with variations of maps, or coloring the characters or the possibility of starting with the various levels. Pirate cartridges for the Famicom, and suitable for its clones (which is the Dendy), produced and are on sale until now.



 Naval battles sea battle played everything. On the boring lectures you can always hear «B2, past, ZH4 got». You do not have to ride tons of check paper and draw the attention of the strict teachers. Just download a new game from Gameloft and play your favorite game with pmoschyu mobile phones. 

As you already understand the main advantage of the game Naval Battle is the ability to play with the real enemy via Bluetooth. This is really interesting not only to save paper and ink, and not only because of the stunning animation that accompanies the game, but also because of the innovations made by developers to make some fun classic game. For the Orthodox, and a traditional mode, but, believe me, it is first touch and innovation. 

Of course, the multiplayer mode is a useful and very pleasant addition. But for those who are accustomed to deal with artificial intelligence, several game modes. In addition to the classic version, you will be asked to undergo a campaign. That is, in turn play a few admirals, each of which is at the disposal of their own unique features. Some may put a torpedo, while others can arrange for carpet bombing. Not have to be bored, especially since every action is a dignified manner is animated. What-what, and the ability to decorate their special games, the developers of Gameloft has no equal. 

Strange, but for some reason today, many traditional games becoming a new life on mobile phones. Monopoly, sea battle, chess and checkers literally occupied by a new audience of mobile games - those who prefer logic and strategy game carcass arcade fighters. I think in the near future we will see more than one hit, based on the classic game.



removed 1> relegated deleted _Ex: an era a hundred years removed epoch, separated from us for a hundred years _Ex: he is only one step removed from a swindler, he is not much different (far left) from the fraudster _Ex: far removed from faraway from _Ex: his feelings are not far removed from love, he is almost in love 2> distant, unrelated _Ex: a tongue equally removed from French and English language, so unlike the French, it is in English 3> refers to the degree of relationship, through the generation of _Ex: first cousin once removed cousin once removed, once removed niece, once removed's uncle, aunt once removed _Ex: first-cousin twice removed or a grandson or granddaughter cousin cousin 4> _teh. removed, dismantled 
See also other dictionaries: 
be removed - to be removed ... (Great Anglo-Russian and Russian-English dictionary) 
Twice Removed - Ifobox Album Name Twice Removed Type Album Artist Sloa Released August 30, 1994 Recorded 1994 Gere Idie rock Legth 44:48 Label Geffe Records Producer Jim Rodielli, Sloa Reviews Allmusic Ratig 4.5 5 ... (Wikipedia) 
removed - adjective Date: circa 1548 1. a. distant in degree of relationship b. of a younger or older generation ... (New Collegiate Dictionary) 
Removed - Re moved "(r?-M?? Vd"), a. 1. Chaged i place. [1913 Webster] 2. Dismissed from office. [1913 Webster] 3. Distat i locatio; remote. `` Somethig fier tha you could purchase i so removed a dwellig. "- Shak. [1913 Webster] 4. ... (The Collaborative International Dictionary of

Removed - Remove Re move "(r?-M?? V"), v. t. [imp. & P. p. (Removed) (-m?? Vd "); p. pr. & Vb.. (Removig).] [OF. Removoir, remouvoir, L. removere, remotum; pref. Re-re-+ movere to move. See (Move).] 1. To move away from the positio occupied; to cause ... 
twice removed - twice removed ... (English-Russian dictionary Muller) 
removed - adj. 1) remote, distant, unrelated; far removed from - yes, leky 2) - once removed - twice removed ... 
once removed - once removed ... 
twice removed - twice removed a first cousin twice removed grandson (granddaughter), once removed (s) brother (sister) ... (Great Anglo-Russian and Russian-English Dictionary) 
removed - rɪmu: vd text. 1) remote, distant, far, far, far removed from unrelated distant from Sy: remote, distat 2) indicates the degree oce removed twice removedotodvinuty, Dial - a era a hudred years period, separated from ...



Mostar (bos. Mostar, Serbs. Mostar, Croatian. Mostar) - a city in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the administrative center of the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton. The city is considered the informal capital of the historic area of Herzegovina, is located on the Neretva River and is the fourth number of the population of cities in the country. In 2006, the city opened an international college, one of the Colleges of international community (United World Colleges).

T. Chontvari. Spring in Mostar. 1903 

Population - 105 448 inhabitants (2003), of which the Bosnians - 47.43%, Croatia - 48.29%, Serbs - 3,45%, others - 0.83%. 

Generally the city is divided into two parts, inhabited by different ethno-religious communities - the Bosnian Muslim and Croat Catholic, separated by the river Neretva.
Old Bridge 
Old Bridge in Mostar 

The name of the city means a «bridge guard», and is connected with the «Old Bridge», built in 1566 and included in the UNESCO World Heritage list. Destroyed during the 1992-1995 Bosnian war and rebuilt in 2004, the bridge is now a symbol of the country and return to peaceful life.


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